Sunday, October 2, 2022

Minister of Information announces 4 million Riels for the families of two soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save the lives of others

 Minister of Information announces 4 million Riels for the families of two soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save the lives of others

Phnom Penh: With compassion and appreciation for the heroic example of two soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save two boys who drowned and lost their lives, Information Minister Khieu Kanharith wrote on his personal Facebook page, "Respect the heroism Both of them who sacrificed their lives to save the lives of others! The provincial level, the regional level and the unit should organize a ceremony and keep him as an example and ask our compatriots to help the family of the deceased.

Personally, I would like to give each corpse family two million riels!

Please be reminded that at 11:20 AM on October 1, 2022, at Ang O Angkrang, two soldiers lost their lives after rescuing two boys from the accident, but unfortunately were swept away by the tornado. Sink until the death of two soldiers. 

1- Sergeant Chhorn Sideth is 39 years old.

2- Major Vanthon is 23 years old.

Both soldiers served in the 442nd Battalion of the 42nd Infantry Brigade under the 4th Army Division.

According to the source, the two soldiers went to fish at Ang Angkrang point in Kork Mon commune, Banteay Ampil district, Oddar Meanchey province and found two children drowning. A strong whirlwind caused both of them to drown.

The bodies of the two soldiers were found at 11:30 a.m. and at 5:10 p.m. on October 1, 2022, another was found.

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