Wednesday, October 5, 2022

7 men and women were arrested by the police force of Chroy Changva district in connection with the case of trafficking in illegal friends !!!

 7 men and women were arrested by the police force of Chroy Changva district in connection with the case of trafficking in illegal friends !!!

Phnom Penh: On October 4, 2022 at 17:30, following the order of Lieutenant Colonel Leak Chan Reapsa, Inspector of Chroy Changvar District Police Inspectorate, the Anti-Drug Task Force led by Colonel Major Som Sotharoth, in cooperation with the intervention force, actually cracked down on the case of "drug trafficking and illegal use" behind Preah Vihear Cham, Village 1, Sangkat Chroy Changva, Khan Chroy Changva, arrested 7 suspects (3 females) ).

Captured exhibits include:

1 / transparent white gram suspected drug: 07 bags.

2 / Equipment for using some drugs.

3 / One smash motorcycle with license plate Phnom Penh 1Z-3740.

Currently, the suspect and the exhibits are kept at the Chroy Changva District Police Inspectorate for further questioning and due process to be sent to court.

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