Thursday, October 6, 2022

Drinking, getting together when drunk, sending his girlfriend to work, disappearing, then returning, grabbing a woman, hugging and raping her in a rented room

 Drinking, getting together when drunk, sending his girlfriend to work, disappearing, then returning, grabbing a woman, hugging and raping her in a rented room

Pailin Province: According to the information from the professional officer of Sala Krao District Inspector, ១១ At 11:00 on October 05, 2022, the Judicial Police Force of Sala Krao District Police Inspectorate received a complaint about the rape case. One case of rape occurred in the victim's room in Phsar Prom village, Stung Karch commune, Sala Krao district, Pailin province.

Sources said that before the incident on October 1, 2022, the victim had a drink at the scene, there were 7 people after drinking and her friend returned. The male suspect, Reaksa, drove his girlfriend away to work for a while, then the suspect returned and hugged the victim from behind, and the victim pushed him away. At 12:45, the suspect raped her until after the victim did not come to complain to the authorities immediately for fear of embarrassment and leave time for the suspect to come to solve the problem. But the suspect did not acknowledge his actions, so the victim decided to file a complaint.

The victim's name is P.S.L.T., female, 21 years old, occupation: Prom Casino employee, living in Kngok village, Stung Karch commune, Sala Krao district, Pailin province.

Suspect's name is Pheng Reaksa, male, 17 years old, living in Phsar Prom Village, Stung Karch Commune, Sala Krao District, Pailin Province.

"After receiving the complaint, the district criminal force, in cooperation with the Stung Karch administrative police force, investigated and arrested the suspect and interrogated the suspect, who admitted that he had raped her," he said. Rape on the real victim due to drunkenness (rape accomplished).

The suspect is currently being held in custody at the Sala Krao District Police Inspectorate to build a case for legal proceedings.

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