Monday, October 24, 2022

Girls should know! There is a disease that often occurs in the most secret places

 Girls should know! There is a disease that often occurs in the most secret places

Women are very susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Obviously, a gynecological disease called Vaginismus, which causes tightness of the muscles around the vagina or severe pain during sex. . The following three points are short knowledge, women, we should know about problems related to this type of disease.

1-Causes of Vaginismus

So far, medical professionals, including medical researchers, have not found the exact cause. It is true that women get this type of disease, but some risk factors are believed to lead to this disease. Such as:

The vagina is too small

Pain during sex

Vaginal deformity after childbirth

Have been sexually abused (eg raped)

Other gynecological conditions, such as vaginal yeast infections

- Fear of getting pregnant

Severe pain during first intercourse

Have a bad relationship with a sexual partner (Vaginismus can also be caused by mental problems).

2-Other symptoms when the disease

Although the symptoms can vary from person to person, the main symptoms are tightness of the vaginal muscles during sex. Makes it harder for the penis to penetrate. We may feel burning when the penis tries to penetrate, can make us feel scared (make the side She thinks that penetration can damage the shape of the vagina), leading to loss of sexual desire.

3-Treatment methods

The best treatment for this condition is to exercise and consult a specialist, as surgery is rare. .

Counseling: Make an appointment with a trusted psychologist, try to reduce the feeling of embarrassment, consult a solution. Psychologists can also advise us on how to have sex.

Exercise: Exercises such as Kegel exercises (lying flat on your knees, lifting your hips up and down) can help your vaginal muscles relax. Gradually or can talk to a sex specialist for advice on various exercises.

Surgery: If the above method is still not effective, we can choose surgery to enlarge the vagina by cutting. Remove those constricted tissues.

Vaginismus occurs in all women and can lead to sexual problems. Understand the causes, symptoms and treatment to prevent.

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